
Showing posts from January, 2022

Daily Scorpio Horoscope January 01 (01/01)

Scorpio Oct 23 − Now 21 Alias: Alias: The Scorpion January 01 (01/01) daily scorpio horoscope: summary scorpio daily Star 9/10 A Moon/Saturn link is encouraging you to see something in a sensible and pragmatic way but you could see the need to do this as instrumental in killing the magic within it. You could be inclined to focus on whats warm and comforting rather than what needs to be seen in a realistic light. There neednt be any depletion of magic provided youre willing to express yourself honestly and, if necessary, emotionally. Its by doing both that youll ensure any magic remains. Read more... summary scorpio tomorrow Star 7/10 Our receptiveness to chaos and upheaval is based largely on timing. If we know to expect either or both, then were often in a good position to deal ...