Yeah giving people with mental problems guns! Sounds great Get link Facebook X Pinterest Email Other Apps August 17, 2022 Yeah giving people with mental problems guns! Sounds great savage 92 Likes 12 Comments John Priest Zoraez Siddiqui Isn't the suicide rate of these kind of people somewhere at 40%? And giving these kind of people access to weapons seems like a good idea to someone? Also wasn't gender dystopia classified as a mental illness not long ago (in times were science wasn't used as a political pawn and people could create and read a statistics without underlying intention)? Charles Massey i think they meant trust as in "rely on" refering to their mental stability. but thats a wild guess Stephen Kelly Why do civilians have a say on this anyway? I would let the military take a vote. Jessica Turnage It’s weird how people who are not in the military and never have to deal with the consequences of such decisions think that they can virtue signal their way into forcing actual soldiers to accept something that might influence the life and death situations they actually have to face. Mamakanneh Momoh Karsie Title is correct. Taking a demographic that is highly overrepresented with mental instability (suicide, etc.) and putting them in situations that cause mental instability, such as combat.... Not the best idea. Drafting anyone that needs continuous medication is a bad idea. (Don't give me the "pill" BS. If some women medically need it, they probably shouldn't be drafted. Otherwise it's a lifestyle choice) Antonio Villaalta For people uninformed the 'ban bill' is actually about people who want to use military in order to transition. Due to Military covering healthcare costs but SRS and Hormonal Therapy is very expensive in US and one of the loopholes that was found that if you sign up for Military you can make it pay for your transitioning. Important of note: Even in Europe with its free healthcare transitioning isn't covered in full only basics so procedures like for example in case of MTF like FFS aren't considered necessary for transitioning. in case of FTM procedures like Mastectomy aren't considered necessary either unless you've well bajingas that don't fit 'normal range'. ***Flies away maybe forgot cape just walks away*** Nancy Ward From my understanding, anyone taking maintenance drugs is prohibited from active duty? So more than likely, the trans will get a cushy desk job and have their cosmetic surgeries paid for by the tax payers Teri Fanguy If they change gender, they can just as easily change sides during a war. I think that’s the real concern here. Sashoy Stewart I understand the reasoning. There should be no banning of trans people nowhere. EXCEPT The freaking military. Being trans means you have a mental problem (Gender dysphoria), you are unstable, prone to edepression, and as such, will not be allowed to go to war. Easy for people to scream for discrimination when the biggest hard time they faced was not having the newest Iphone on the release day Cornelius Martin If I was in a room with Hitler, Stalin and a trans and had two bullets I would shoot the trans twice. Dawn Miller I'm a defendent that any gender should be used in war. Some might even cause mass confusion on the enemy side so its just a + Ayesha Ashraf DJ is right. Get link Facebook X Pinterest Email Other Apps Comments
Zoraez Siddiqui
Charles Massey
Stephen Kelly
Jessica Turnage
Mamakanneh Momoh Karsie
Antonio Villaalta
Nancy Ward
Teri Fanguy
Sashoy Stewart
Cornelius Martin
Dawn Miller
Ayesha Ashraf